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在线大学 & 托莱多的学位:你选择最好学校的指南

Toledo is experiencing a resurgence as new companies, investments and jobs are entering the region. 托莱多在蓬勃发展的行业中提供了大量的就业机会, 包括:研究, 设计, 制造业, 技术和医疗保健. 像Mercy Health这样的顶级雇主, GM, Owens Corning and First Solar are looking for highly-skilled and educated employees to fuel business growth.

由于这种进步, many working adults in Toledo are looking to level up their skills for the next chapter in their careers. It’s no wonder that Toledo is also seeing an increase in online degree completions as a result. 在托莱多,远程授课项目的学位完成率增加了108人.2012年至2018年期间,非远程课程下降了14%.3%. 

If you’re a working professional in Toledo that wants to improve your short- and long-term career prospects, 获得在线学位可能是你的下一步行动. 如果你住在俄亥俄州的托莱多,下面是如何找到最好的在线大学和学位的方法.


重返校园是一项重大的承诺. 你要确保你所获得的学位能给你的投资带来丰厚的回报. 这样做, look for top online degrees that correlate to the largest and fastest growing careers in Toledo.

  1. 在线B.市场营销学硕士 成为一个 市场研究分析师或市场专员

    Getting your 学士 in marketing can help you land a promising career in today’s data-driven marketing landscape. 在托莱多, 最受欢迎的技能, 根据招聘数据, 包括数字营销, 新产品开发和市场调研. The right online marketing degree will help you harness the analytical and creative skills you need to meet that demand.

    托莱多预计的就业增长(到2030年): 11%
  2. 在线护理硕士,FNP to 成为执业护士

    预计该国许多地区将出现医生短缺, 使执业护士成为医疗保健行业越来越有价值的资产. 这个高增长、高收入的职业也需要密集的培训和教育. Getting your master’s in nursing online is a great way to balance your current nursing career with your aspirations of joining the top ranks of this growing profession in Toledo. 

    工资中位数(EMSI): $107,199
    托莱多就业增长预期(到2030年): 24%
  3. 在线工商管理硕士 to 成为一名财务经理

    在托莱多, 26% of degree completions in 2018 in business administration and management were at the master’s level, 显示出对准备好领导的专业人士的渴望. 托莱多最有机会的领域之一是金融, 在哪里合格的经理可以挣到六位数以上. An MBA is a great way to earn leadership and cross-functional skills that prepare you for top financial positions in many organizations.

    工资中位数(EMSI): $109,911
    托莱多预计的就业增长(到2030年): 13%



There are endless options for online education—from local Toledo colleges to national online universities. 但是你怎么能把最好的和剩下的区分开来呢? And even more importantly, how do you know which online colleges are built to help you succeed?


回到学校? 在这个免费的FAFSA报告的帮助下,确保你最大限度地利用你的经济援助.


如果你是一个在职的成年人,想继续你的教育, 看看这些优秀的在线大学和学位的特点吧.


这似乎是显而易见的,但一所在线大学的实力取决于它的学位课程. 最难的部分是了解高质量在线学位的标志. 以下是你应该寻找的. 

  • Regional accreditation as an institution, and individual programs that are also accredited.
  • Strong industry reputation and established connections with employers and professional organizations.
  • High graduation rates and number of degree completions, which indicate successful student outcomes. 

mg不朽情缘游戏网址是 a regionally-accredited nonprofit institution that has employer partnerships spanning top companies across major industries in 俄亥俄州. 


学位是对你未来的长期投资. 它应该为职业发展铺平道路, 但是你不希望花一辈子的时间来实现你的学位的全部价值. 以下是确保你的投资获得回报的方法.

  • Instructors with in-depth industry experience that can apply theory to real-world challenges you face in your day-to-day job, 同时开阔你的眼界,放眼全局,解决问题. 
  • 根据雇主和行业专家的意见制定课程, 因此,它保持了相关性,并教授了急需的技能.
  • A dedication to balancing current technical skills with lifelong soft skills like teamwork, 沟通能力和领导能力将永远受到雇主的重视.

mg不朽情缘游戏网址 utilizes programs advisory boards—made up of industry experts who work for top companies—to develop and evolve curriculum to meet industry demand. Coursework is built around using industry tools to gain technical expertise while improving interpersonal skills through critical problem solving.


在线大学在本质上应该比纯校园大学更加灵活. However, just because an institution offers degrees online doesn’t mean it’s the best fit. Here’s what an online college needs to offer to meet the demands of busy, working adults.

  • 灵活的课程,包括固定的课程开始日期和可变的课程长度.
  • 互动 and collaborative learning that combines synchronous and asynchronous courses, 同伴互动和小组项目, 以及由讲师指导的课程.
  • 均衡的教育方法,在整个课程中均匀地分配课程作业, 这样你就知道每周要花多少时间在学习上.
  • Transfer credit friendly degree programs that allow you to apply previous educational and professional experience to finish your degree faster
互动 & 协作学习No是的


mg不朽情缘游戏网址, 平均, starts courses every six weeks and allows students to transfer up to 94 credit hours for 学士 degrees, 硕士学位12学时, 还有24小时攻读博士学位.


When you’re comparing the online offerings of colleges and universities that serve Toledo residents, 主要项目有两个主要指标. 

The first indicator is the number of degrees completed each year by students who participate in distance-only education. A higher number of completions typically indicates a larger online offer and greater diversity of degrees.

The second big factor is the percentage of students who are enrolled solely in distance education. A large percentage of students earning their degree online is a sign of specialization in online learning. 这种关注


mg不朽情缘游戏网址的校园可能位于哥伦布市, 但它为全国乃至世界各地的成年人提供服务. Franklin’s specialization in online education makes it an outstanding choice for working adults—regardless of where you live.

Why to choose mg不朽情缘游戏网址 if you’re a working professional in Toledo who wants to get your online degree:

mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供学士学位, master’s and doctoral degrees that are student-centered and emphasize successful outcomes. 首要目标? 提供适合工作的技能,帮助你现在和将来的职业发展.

探索 学士, 硕士 or 博士课程 找到适合你职业抱负的在线学位.

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